
Showing posts from 2020

Quantum Sensor Technology and its Application

  Quantum sensors are new and promising technology developing rapidly along with the quantum computing engineering because it provides ample insight into the environment of qubits. Quantum sensors depend on the mysterious behavior of subatomic particles called quantum states, where the classical Newtonian physics do not exist and have prominent real world application of quantum mechanics. Quantum sensor extends operating range, dynamic range, capability and sensitivity of the sensors used in the different application. Now a day, more mature sensor implementation is available for different applications. In recent years quantum sensors are used to measure various physical quantities such as temperature, pressure, electric and magnetic fields and frequency of revolutions etc. by using quantum object. A quantum object is designed by using quantum states properties such as quantized energy level, quantum state squeezing, quantum coherence or entanglement to improve sensitivity of the...

शिक्षण-अधिगम प्रक्रिया को सुगम एवं सक्षम बनाने में सूचना-प्रौधोगिकी का योगदान

  आज सूचना प्रौधोगिकी के आविर्भाव ने अध्ययन और शिक्षा में नवाचार की गति को उल्लेखनीय तेजी प्रदान की है । सूचना के क्षेत्र में सूचनाप्रौधोगिकी ने क्रांतिकारी परिवर्तन ला दिया है । आज वेब पर बहुत सारी शैक्षिक सामग्री एवं ज्ञान उपलब्ध है । सभी विषयों के एनसाइक्लोपीडिया, सभी देशों के एटलस, मानचित्र, संस्कृति, इतिहास, साहित्य सब कुछ इसके जरिये उपलब्ध है । सूचना प्रौधोगिकी ने शिक्षा का भूमंडलीयकरण बहुत ही तेज गति से किया है I विद्यार्थी आज घर बैठे ही विदेशी शिक्षण संस्थानों में दाखिला ले सकते हैं, ऑनलाइन परीक्षा दे सकते हैं, अध्ययन कर सकते हैं और डिग्री हासिल कर सकते हैं । लैपटॉप और कंप्यूटर के जरिये हम किसी विशेष स्थान पर शारीरिक रूप से उपलब्ध न रहते हुए भी विद्द्वत चर्चा में भाग ले सकते हैं, जैसा की समाचार चैनलों में किसी समाचार के प्रसारण में होता है । नेट के आगमन से हमारे पुस्तकालय भी नेट से जुड़ गये हैं । आजसूचना प्रौधोगिकी के चलते ही डिजिटल लाइब्रेरी व ई-बुक की संकल्पना सभी को भायी है । भारत में आज इग्नू, आई.आई.टी. समेत विभिन्न शिक्षण संस्थानों ने इन्टरनेट आधारित शैक्षिक कार...


  Last few decades of the 20th Century and the first quarter of the 21 st Century is, without doubt belong to one nation by a large extent as Story of economic growth. It truly grew like a dragon and also un-fortunately it tried to make the influence in the world map in a dragon style as well. It has become too influential as most of the countries depended by a large means for its supply and it has enjoyed the monopoly by creating the giant wealth. It made China as the one of the most powerful nation in the world map and also due to one another important factor as other developed economy encountered a slow-down or saturation in there economy. The dialogue from the famous Hollywood blockbuster movie Spiderman ‘With power comes responsibility’ fit shere perfectly. The China has become one of the most powerful nation but it never fulfill edits responsibility.                     ...

Break or understand the text based CAPTCHA with the help of the Machine Learning

  Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart is abbreviated as “CAPTCHA”. In our daily life we generally see these kinds of CAPTCHA. If we are performing any transaction and we also get to solve enter the captcha value in the specified place then our transaction proceed further. In the given image we can see that there is a security image for which the user has to enter the image text into the security message. We think that it provide more security to the system so that the any machine or BOT could not get these text automatically. But we also know that Machine Learning is the field of computer science. Let us first know what machine learning is and how we can use machine learning to break the simple captcha? Machine Learning is the technology where we trained the machine with the help of the database. We trained the machine and later on machine will predict the output. It has been seen that whatever the training is providing to the machine we ...

Terrorism in India

  Terrorism has become a major threat to India's unity and integrity. The masterminds of terror seek to achieve their objectives by creating an atmosphere of fear aimed at destabilizingIndia . Major areas affected by terrorist activities in India include Jammu and Kashmir, East-Central and South-Central India (Naxalism) and the Seven Sisters (North-East). Unemployment has been one of the major reasons. Due to which the terrorist groups attract the younger generation to make money easily. Poverty-stricken young people with poor socio-economic background are the ultimate targets of ISI. Because they bid to make money easily. India has already been ranked among the top ten terrorism affected countries in the world. Apart from radical terror affected states like Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Tripura, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur, there are other states which are victims of Naxalite terrorism. Currently, various terrorist organizations are secretly operated in the country, whose members...

मूल्य शिक्षा की आवश्यकता एवं महत्व

  जीवन को खुशहाल व सफल बनाने के लिए इन्सान को अपने आप को मूल्यवान बनाना आवश्यक है , जिसके लिए सर्वप्रथम उसे अपना व्यवहार , आचरण व कर्म सुधारने आवश्यक होते हैं । इन्सान को मूल्यवान बनाने में शिक्षा की सर्वाधिक आवश्यकता होती है क्योंकि शिक्षा के बल पर ही कर्मों को गति प्रदान की जा सकती है । शिक्षा इन्सान के गुणों एवं प्रतिभा में वृद्धि करती है परन्तु सिर्फ पढ़ने-लिखने से ही इन्सान प्रतिभाशाली नहीं बनता ; बल्कि पढ़ने-लिखने के साथ-साथ शिक्षा को समझना भी आवश्यक है क्योंकि शिक्षा समझने से तथा विवेक द्वारा मंथन करने से ही इन्सान को ज्ञान की प्राप्ति होती है और ज्ञानी इन्सान समाज के लिए बहुत मूल्यवान होता है ।   जीवन की कठिनाइयों से बचने एवं उज्ज्वल भविष्य के लिए खुद को संसार में मूल्यवान बनाना अत्यंत आवश्यक है । संसार में प्रत्येक वस्तु व विषयों तथा जीवों तक का मूल्य है , जो इन्सान संसार में बेमोल होते हैं उनका जीवन किसी भौतिक वस्तु या जीव से भी तुच्छ हो जाता है । इन्सान का मूल्य समाज में व्यवहार , आचरण व कर्म के आधार पर प्राप्त सम्मान के अनुसार होता है । जो इन्सान सामाजिक सम्बन्ध...

State, Child and the Law

  CHILDREN anywhere around the world, form the most intrinsic part of the society. The construct of the word ‘child’ across societies is such that it has led to be a value laden term. There are so many attributes to the nature of the child, across societies that it has given children a certain straight jacket formula of the values that they need to possess. Innocence, gullibility, mirth, incapability, dependability, energetic, timidity, generous are some of the terms that conjure up the mind when we talk about children. Most of these attributes are considered to be signs of vulnerability and weakness in the big bad world. It gives a sense of superiority and a protectionist attitude to the grown-ups. This in turn sometimes renders the child agency less. History is proof enough of the fact that the child has battled this understanding and is now being seen as exerting rights as individuals. It is indeed interesting to note that family, which is essentially termed as the most basic un...


  Recently the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change notified the Solid Waste Management Rules , 2016 (hereinafter referred to as “New Waste Management Rules”) providing for solid waste segregation and management at household level. Libertarian as it may sound, its implementation still remains a bleak reality. Every coin has two sides to it and although waste segregation at household level may appear to solve the evil of climate degradation at the grassroot level to some respectable extent, it poses far reaching social concerns such as capitalization of waste collection by corporates and loss of livelihood of private waste collectors who are not adequately trained in waste management. The issue of solid waste management has a bearing on various issues such as precedential environmental decisions pronouncedby the Supreme Court of India in light of Article 21 (Right to life) of the Constitution of India. There has been a paradigm shift in waste management brought f...

Balance is not impossible

  You know, most people struggle to manage their personal and professional lives . Especially during these times we are living... Their job demands more of them. They have to work longer hours to make ends meet. Plus, everyday they're more pressured to get things done quicker. Most of the time, work ends up taking over their lives. I’m sure you've felt that way too. It was like that for me at some point. I got so focused on work I lost sight of everything else. There was no time for other things. No fun. I didn't have time to see my friends. I wasn't spending enough time with my family. And I had a back pain that just kept getting worse because I didn't have time to get it treated. I know firsthand how easy it is to let lost in your obligations and loose sight of what's really important. The question is,...


  The teens can be impish, imprudent and rebellious and that is undeniably ordinary. But intermittently their action goes separate the statute and seizures into a perplexing and threatening one. Unruly demeanor ailments epitomize the classification of demeanor blemishes. The word ‘Unruly’ is casted for the purpose that overwhelmed broods are exactly distracting deeds and personages near them. The utmost varieties of obstreperous demeanor ailments are mien ailment and antonymous insolent ailment. As for the broods with ailments, they exhibit perpetual defiance and irate surges. This benevolent of actions is archetypally rapt at instructors and paternities, but it can also aim the other broods and brethren. Obstreperous ailment is extra austere juvenile’s situation that comprises ferocious actions headed for folks and faunas, along with the various sorts of illicit bustle. Initial Infancy Activities, whether it is virtuous or depraved, frights around the age of two. They are configur...

Climate Change: A new dawn for Marketing

  Deteriorating environmental conditions have been a major concern for governments and organizations all over the world. Organizations pledging to provide eco friendly solutions to their customers and governments pushing industries hard to save the environment have lead to a new dimension of product development, promotion and overall marketing. Increasing customer awareness and health consciousness also compels industries all over the world to come up with eco friendly solutions and understanding the need of the hour Organizations are not only developing eco friendly products they are working on improving recyclability/ease in disposition of the products as well. With eco friendly solutions, not only a company can get cutting edge in the market in terms of product offering, rather it can also establish itself as a environment savvy brand. This kind of attempt also calls for special consideration from the government side and it can turn out to be a good deal. Traditional compan...


  Right to practise, profess and propagate one’s own religion is the personal choice of every citizen in India. The Constitution of India guarantees the protection of certain fundamental rights which are stated in Articles 12 to 35 and which forms Part III of the Constitution. Among them, Articles 25 and 26 are the two central A rticles guaranteeing religious freedom. India’s framework of secularism reiterates that a ll religions are equal before the State and no religion shall be given preference over the other. In other words, the state has no religion of its own. Citizen’s freedom to preach, practice and propagate any religion of their choice thus sustains the principle of secularism in India. A religion may not only lay down a code of ethical rules for its followers to accept, it might prescribe rituals and observances, ceremonies and modes of worship which are regarded as integral part of religion. The term ‘ R eligion’ has not been defined in the Constitution and it is har...

The New Education Policy, 2020

  The New Education Policy's beliefs, as exemplified in the start of the report, incorporate the "total acknowledgment and freedom of oneself", re-foundation of instructors as "the most regarded and basic individuals from our general public", and the arrangement of admittance to training for understudies from all foundations notwithstanding "natural deterrents" . Generally, The NEP targets "ingraining information on India and its differed social and innovative requirements, its matchless creative, language, and information customs, and its solid morals in India's youngsters is viewed as basic for motivations behind public pride, fearlessness, self-information, collaboration, and mix".   The strategy itself handles different parts of the schooling framework as an approach to accomplish its expressed beliefs. For instance, the since quite a while ago drawn exertion of diminishing dropout rates and expanding the GRE, or the Gross Enroll...

Equity & Equality in Education

  To provide education to all the members of society is mandatory, so we can develop our nation as well as raise the standard of living of all citizens. For achieving this goal equity and equality both are essential. Both equity which is also known as fairness and equality strategies are used for efforts to establish justice. Educational equity is dependent on the two main factors. The primary factor or variable is decency, which induces that factors explicitly related to one's very own conditions ought not to restrain with the capability of scholarly achievement. The second important factor is inclusion, which refers to a comprehensive standard that applies to everyone in a certain education system. Meaning of Equity & Equality Equity means giving everyone equal opportunities to succeed. Equality is related to treating everyone equally. Justice - The path of attainment cannot be achieved by treating everyone equally. Achieving this is possible only by fair dealing with ev...

Mental Health Awareness

  We’re all different. We all have flaws and that is what makes us perfectly imperfect. Whatever you are feeling is valid but not necessarily healthy and that is why it is important to acknowledge mental health . A thing only those who have been there find the courage and necessity to talk about. Sadly, most of us finds it boring to read, listen or even talk about and that’s exactly what makes it so difficult to understand that lack of awareness of mental health is not just ‘their’ problem, its ours. The most important sign of taking care of your mental health is the fact that nothing has to be “wrong’ with you. There is no wrong time, reason or explanation if however it is inappropriate to ignore what you feel and how you feel. Depression and anxiety along with other mental health concerns affects so many people every day. They say one out of every four is affected by something regarding mental health in their lifetime, so many people struggle in silence and that is exactly why ...

Made in India: Vocal for Local

  Today’s ‘Made in India’ movement gets revived in a new way though it was started much before Independence when Mahatama Gandhi started the Swadeshi Movement and motivate people to wear swadeshi .   Vocal for Local is the new hashtag floating around the country focus on Go local, trust local, self-sufficient and self-reliant India.   It is a campaign launched by our Prime Minister Modi ji to motivate citizens of the country to buy local made products in order to make people of the country more self reliant and to boom the country GDP.   Modi ji in Man Ki Baat said "If you buy local and become vocal for local, you are playing your role in making the country strong - this is also a type of service to the nation. “   Why Made in India: Vocal for Local   ·          To make country self sufficient and not depend upon other countries for finished goods as well as intermediate components. ·   ...


  Teaching is not just a profession; it’s an important role that one plays to shape up the lives of many people. To become a successful teacher, there are many numbers of things which one got to care of. Here are some tips to assist you become an honest teacher . Let’s inspect 6 tips which may cause you to become an honest teacher: 1. Listen to your students and try to solve their issues with subject For a good teacher, it is very important to understand the problems a student is facing regarding your subject. And for this, you want to hear them with an open mind. Give them space to be ready to discuss their exact problems with you. Remember it should be a two way communication and not only one way. 2. Promote the practice of self-studies among students Self-study is the key to success. Push your students to try self-studies by giving them assignments, new problems, etc. 3. Assist weak or hard students Every student is equal for a teacher. If there are some students w...

Balancing of Personal and Professional Life

  In today’s scenario, being a woman I would like to draw an attention in balancing both the activities i.e. personal and professional life in a systematic and pragmatic manner in order to sustain in the society and to perform the tasks perfectly. In order to balance our life in these two boats we really need to have a good and healthy life and for that we should give lot of importance to yoga practice. There are certain things for the peace of mind and balancing the life in a proper way is to have a good spiritual life as well. Spirituality makes you in a peace of life and if we follow the teachings of Bhagwat Gita, which is like a manual of how to lead your life by keeping the lord in the center and performing the activities as per the scriptures prescribed. If we follow what is prescribed like getting up early morning and starting your with some nice spiritual activity though small but immensely effective like watering the tulsi plant, doing some chants in the early morning whic...