
Showing posts from December 28, 2018

Teaching happiness and well being to school children

The recent “ Happiness Curriculum ” in the schools of Delhi government signals a welcome concern with children’s well being. To craft a joyful surrounding for education, many countries recently have come up with development policies with happiness as one of the specific goals of their education or have included components related to happiness in the policy framework. Students face a lot of issues over all over the world from exam pressure, peer pressure, depression or other psychological or economic issues. And this is not a specific phenomenon to India. Students are unnecessary subjected to undue pressure to score high marks or grades to do so suicide becomes a way off.   Here the question arises, how joyful and contended are the school children within the school or the    education system?   School is a place that provide   an environment where students not only learn academically, but also focus in the all round development and it has a great imp...