
Showing posts from December 3, 2019

Memory – Nature’s Gift to mankind

Humans are blessed with the capacity to retain the learnt material and experiences for a long period of time and then reproduce it through recognition and recall when required, this capacity is termed as memory. Memory varies from short term memory which is mostly used in daily life, where the content is immediately recalled after the experience and soon forgotten. Long term memory refers to the memory as a store house where information is stored permanently. If short term memory is used regularly it gets converted to long term memory. Students are immensely benefited by this type of memory. Part, whole and rote memory - as the name suggests the content is remembered in parts whereas whole memory is photographic memory where nothing is forgotten. In rote memory the textual matter is reproduced may be without any understanding and at times without any error. Insightful memory is extremely useful for students, as the content is presented through conceptual understanding.. T...