
Showing posts from November 19, 2018

Role of Information Technology in the Field of Agriculture in India

IT deals with the use of technology to retrieve, store and transmit information in various fields such as Banking, Education, Health, Communication, Transport and many more. Not only this, the role of IT in the field of Agriculture is also very significant.   It has the ability to improve decision making in agriculture . Also it   can improve agriculture management and farming technologies. Now a days   use of IT has made significant contribution to   agricultural productivity. There are wide variety of technologies such as   A)Using laser technology which helps in optimizing the use of   fertilizers ,water, seeds and various other inputs. B) Weather forecasts for timely information on Climatic conditions and warning for calamities. C) Also provides facility of online trading.   Various initiatives have been taken for the betterment of production in India such as : 1. Kisan Call Centres :An initiative by Ministry of Agriculture   to answer ...