Effectiveness of the Test Item
Sometime, as part of the accreditation processes it may be required to know the level of the test items. Is there any way of finding whether the test item asked in an examination is good enough to distinguish between a good and a weak student. Or it may be required to know whether the question is easy enough so that every student weak or good is able to answer it, or no one or most of the student are not able to answer. The analysis of the result may reveal some information that is being discussed in this blog. I present these two terms as the facilitation value and the discrimination value which are elaborated in the following section. In this process about 60% of the student are tested for their performance in an examination. This sample is quite large to deduce about the level of the question. The steps involved are: a. Tabulate the marks of the test item and the score for all question by all students. b. ...