One of the basic usage of the TIMER peripheral on every microcontroller is to provide the accurate timing mechanism. Using the TIMER peripheral as the basic timing, we could easily develop a stopwatch and display it to the 8-Digit seven segment numeric LED display. Thanks to the Maxim MAX7219 chip which enable us to interface this 8-Digit seven segment LED display much easier using just three wires of the SPI (serial peripheral interface) to display the hour, minute, second, and hundredth of seconds to the 8-Digit seven segments LED display. The following is the list of hardware, software, and references used to build this project: 1. One Maxim MAX7219: Serially Interfaced, 8-Digit LED Display Drivers 2. Two common cathode 4-Digits seven segment LED display 3. One Resistor: 10K Ohm 4. One Capacitors 0.1uF 5. AVRJazz 28PIN development board from ermicro which is based on the AVR ATmega328P microcontroller. 6. Atmel AVR Studio 6.0 for coding and debugging environment 7....