Solid Waste Management and Segregation

The waste management is the necessity of today and to manage the household solid waste, waste segregation is first and essential step for waste management as the huge amount of solid waste being generated by the municipalities and which may cause serious problem to the environment and also become a serious threat for the living world. In the municipal solid waste, there are some items like plastic bottles, pouches, glass bottles, foils, metals, boxes etc. are not bio-degradable in nature and can be reused or recycled while certain items in that solid waste can be converted to humus and compost.After the segregation of bio-degradable and nonbiodegradable there may be some itemsin the waste that may not be used anywhere and has to be discarded. So, the household waste must be segregated into different green and blue dustbins according to the categories of the waste such as Wet & Dry Waste which should be segregated and disposed of separately. The wet waste i.e. organic waste whi...