
Showing posts from June 26, 2019


An electric vehicle (EV) is a vehicle powered by an electric motor , instead of an internal combustion engine (ICE), and the motor is run using the power stored in the batteries. The batteries have to be charged frequently by plugging into any main (120 V or 240 V) supply. EV has a much longer history than most people realize. EVs were seen  presently   when   physicist  introduced  the primary   DC-powered motor in 1830. The first known electric car was a small model built by Professor Starting in the Dutch town of Groningen in 1835. The first  energy unit  was  engineered  by in 1834 by Thomas Davenport  within the  U.S., followed by Moses Farmer, who built the first two-passenger EV in 1847. There were no rechargeable electric cells (batteries) at that time. An  energy unit   failed to  become a viable  possibility   till  the Frenchmen Gaston Planet and Camille Faure  severally fic...