
Showing posts from September 18, 2019


“In times of great stress or adversity, it is always best to keep yourself busy, to break up your anger and your energy into something positive.” In today’s era of cut throat competition almost every working professional probably knows what it feels like when you are stressed on the job. Stressful elements can come along the way anytime. Imagine the situation when an important project comes without any previous notice, you have three emails already stacked up along with the reminder for tasks to be done , suddenly your phone rings and you have an urgent meeting. How the body reacts in such a situation? The body and mind instantly starts responding, activating a physical reaction known as the fight-or-flight response. In such a situation to manage anxiety and negative self-talk it becomes essential to stay calm and work for the survival of the job. On the other hand inability to deal with chronic work stress can lead to a psychological syndrome known as emotional...