
Showing posts from August 18, 2022

Socio-Legal Dimension of Prostitution in India.

  It is said that all round development of a nation depends upon the development of its women andchildren. The constitution of India ensures not only equality to women but also empowers the Stateto adopt effective measures in favour of women and children, for neutralizing the cumulative socio-economic, educational, political disadvantaged faced by them. The directive principle of state policy also lay down the major goal of a welfare state with gender equality as a core objective. The Indianconstitution prohibits all forms of trafficking under Article 23. The Suppression of ImmoralTrafficking Act, 1956 (amended as to the Immoral Traffic Prevention Act, 1986) was in response tothe ratification of the International Convention on Suppression of Immoral Traffic and exploitation ofprostitution of others in 1950 by India. Inspite of these instruments, the violence against child,particularly, is trafficking in child for prostitution in on the rise. Trafficking in children is one of the wo...

Prison Rules in India under Indian Prison Act 1894

  A prison is a building where criminals are kept as punishment or where people accused of a crime are kept before their trial. Prison Rules Prison administration being a State subject the State Governments have framed Prison Rules under the Prison Act which are more or less similar with slight modification here and there keeping in view the local conditions. These Rules invariably provide that:- Every prison shall maintain a Register of prisoners with numbered pages in which shall be recorded information concerning identity of prisoners, reason for his commitment and authority there for, and also the day and hour of his entry and release No person shall be lodged in the prison without a valid commitment order. Different categories of prisoners shall be kept in separate institutions or parts of institutions taking into account their sex, criminal record, the legal reason for their detention and the necessities of their treatment. The accommodation provided for use of prison inm...