Test Item Analysis for its Effectiveness

In this blog I introduce the following key terms used for finding the level of questions set by an examiner in an examination and the perception of the students about it. These terms are the facilitation value and the discrimination value. 1. Introduction A. Facilitation Value : The facilitation value of a question indicates how easy the question is. The facilitation value is calculated by using the following formula. FV= (RU + RL)(2xN*marks of test item) Where N= no. of students in a group. The value is chosen as 30% of the total students from top scorer and 30% of students from low scorers. RU = sum of marks obtained by upper group RL = sum of marks obtained by lower group When FV=1 means that all students in lower group and all students in upper group answered the test item. So it can be so assumed that the test item was very easy. When FV=0, means nobody answered the question, it means tha...