Hygiene and Sanitation

It’s estimated that 88% of the households in India have a mobile phone but 732 million people do not have access to toilets or clean sanitation. Sanitation is a basic right but unfortunately, this is one issue which the country has not been able to handle in the last 70 years. Even in cities, there is a dearth of proper drainage and disposal of waste. People still do not segregate dry and wet waste, which causes huge issues in decomposing and recycling. Continued usage of plastic leads to serious environmental and health hazards which people despite of being aware about still chooses not to do anything about it. As per estimates, inadequate sanitation cost India almost $54 billion or 6.4% of the country's GDP in 2006. About $38.5 billion was health-related, with diarrhoea followed by acute lower respiratory infections accounting for 12% of the health-related impacts. Evidence suggests that all water and sanitation improvements are cost-beneficial in all ...