
Showing posts from September 11, 2021


  Shilpa Sharma ECE Department   We all know how great art is whether it be music, movies, novels, etc. but most art does not have the same effect, a piece of music can be more powerful than a whole movie. What I really want to talk about is how novels have a better effect than movie can have, before diving into the topic I want to clarify that art is subjective, everyone has different taste, so this is just a mere opinion. Okay, so why novels are better than movies you might ask. Well when you think about the essence of movies then it is just a combination of different artists, from visionary and great directors to actors, screenwriters and many more. A film is a compilation of art which can be revolutionary if handed to the right artists and I myself admire movies but the problem is that movies are made on the basis of the director’s vision of the story, for example if there is a scene in which a character died which is directed by the director(obviously) it would have sad m...


  What is bitcoin? Bitcoin is basically an open source, peer to peer digital currency. Amidst many other things, what makes bitcoin exceptional and distinctive is the fact that it is the world’s first completely decentralised digital payments system that is to say that it is under no centralized authority. Santoshi Nakamoto in the original whitepaper that he published on bitcoin in 2009 had said that trade and commerce on internet is solely dependent upon financial institutions filling in as trusted third parties in order to process electronic payment . For instance, if X wants to send 1000 INR to Y over internet, he would have had to depend upon a trusted third party like Paypal or Google Wallet. These parties keep a record or ledger of their account holder’s balances and when this third party would send money to Y they would deduct 1000 INR from X’s account balance and would add it to Y’s account. Although this system functions well enough but it has certain limitations like marg...

Multiple Disability

  The multiple handicapped children have a combination of two or more physical and mental disabilities. A person with disability means a person suffering from any of the conditions relating to physical and mental impairment including autism, cerebral palsy, mental retardation or a combination of any two or more such conditions that interfere with his normal functioning and social adaptation.  Types of Multiple Disabilities The Physical Multiple Handicapped Children- The Physical Multiple Handicapped Children included in this category are all those who suffer from two or more physical impairment or deafness, or deafness with blindness etc. The blind, deaf or speech handicap children can be of average or above average intelligence. But because of the psychological repercussions of their hearing or seeing disability, these children have special personal and educational needs and may pose new challenges to teachers, educators and parents.  The Mentallybretared and otherwise d...


  For the very first time, the medals given in the Tokyo Olympics 2020 were made of recycled materials . The decision to reuse things mirrors a checked change in how individuals are turning out to be all the more earth cognizant now about the items they devour. For quite a while, crude materials are utilized to make an item and the item is disposed of after it has been utilized. The ozone depletion is causing environmental change. Our economy depends on reusing where materials are reused to their most extreme potential. For instance, broken glass bottles are utilized to make new jugs or fiberglass while the scratch pad can be reused into paper towels, facial tissues or new note pad. As of recently, endeavours to handle the environment emergency have zeroed in on changing to environmentally friendly power, supplemented by energy productivity. Assuming we need to cover the whole curve of outflows, we need to change the manner in which we make and use items. India also has started tak...


  कभी सखु , कभी दुःुख; कभी दुःुख, कभी सखु । सखु -दुःुख का यह चक्र जीवन भर चलता रहता है। इन दोनों का आना- जाना जीवन भर लगा रहता है | वास्तव मेंसुख-द:ुख जीवन केदो महत्वपूर्णपहलूहैजो सदवै हमारेजीवन केसंग-संग चलतेरहतेहैं। मनष्ुय इन्हीं दोनों मस्िमतयों के बीच अपना जीवन व्यतीत करता है । ये दोनों ही मस्िमतयााँ मकसी हवा के झोंके की तरह सदैव जीवन में आती-जाती रहती हैं और हमारे जीवन पर अपना प्रभाव डालती हैं । जब जीवन मेंसब कुछ अच्छा होने लगता है; हम जो चाहते हैं वो हमें ममलने लगता है; हम जो काम करते हैं; उसमे हमें सफलता ममलती हैऔर हमारे आस-पास की पररमस्िमतयााँ हमारे प्रभाव से प्रभामवत से होती हैं । पररवार, ममत्र, ररश्तेदार, हर मकसी का हमें हर पल   साि ममलता है। उस समय हम ऐसा महससू करतेहैंमक हमारा जीवन सावन केमौसम मेंनत्ृय करतेउस मयरूकेसमान हैं   मजसकेआसपास मक पररमस्िमतयााँउसके मन अनसु ार हैजो उसेझम ू नेकेमलए उत्सामहत करती हैंऔर खमुियों केइन भावों के को लेकर हमारे िरीर के साि-साि हमारा मन भी झम ू ता है।   इसके मवपरीत, जब हमारे आसपास के पररमस्िमतयााँ हमारे सोच के मबल्कुल म...