Shilpa Sharma ECE Department We all know how great art is whether it be music, movies, novels, etc. but most art does not have the same effect, a piece of music can be more powerful than a whole movie. What I really want to talk about is how novels have a better effect than movie can have, before diving into the topic I want to clarify that art is subjective, everyone has different taste, so this is just a mere opinion. Okay, so why novels are better than movies you might ask. Well when you think about the essence of movies then it is just a combination of different artists, from visionary and great directors to actors, screenwriters and many more. A film is a compilation of art which can be revolutionary if handed to the right artists and I myself admire movies but the problem is that movies are made on the basis of the director’s vision of the story, for example if there is a scene in which a character died which is directed by the director(obviously) it would have sad m...