Shilpa Sharma

ECE Department

We all know how great art is whether it be music, movies, novels, etc. but most art does not have the same effect, a piece of music can be more powerful than a whole movie.

What I really want to talk about is how novels have a better effect than movie can have, before diving into the topic I want to clarify that art is subjective, everyone has different taste, so this is just a mere opinion.

Okay, so why novels are better than movies you might ask. Well when you think about the essence of movies then it is just a combination of different artists, from visionary and great directors to actors, screenwriters and many more. A film is a compilation of art which can be revolutionary if handed to the right artists and I myself admire movies but the problem is that movies are made on the basis of the director’s vision of the story, for example if there is a scene in which a character died which is directed by the director(obviously) it would have sad music, characters crying and the movie shows you what the director wants you to see, but you notice the problem here?

A movie is just a story based on the imagination of the director it might be great but it is not yours. Here comes the novel, novels do not give you anything but the story, it just describes you the scene and rest is yours do anything with that information you can make your own scene with vivid imagination all the characters are based on your imagination it is all yours.

I think you got the point(I hope so), well I am not forcing my opinion on you but can you think of all the things you can do, make up your world and scenes and everything the novel just gives you the story. Novels are personal while movies are not, well the message portrayed in the movie can be personal but the movie itself is not, it is personal to the director or the screenwriter. Also novels have a calming effect, a reading session in the evening can be far more better than watching a movie, this calming effect accompanied by vivid imagination and personal feelings towards the imagination can have a huge effect on you, whereas movies can be motivating, powerful and beautiful but it might not resonate with you at the same level as a novel does.So the next time you plan to watch a movie based on a novel, consider reading the novel first.

Thanks for reading.


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