Isidore Auguste Marie Francois Xavier Comte was born in Montellier of Southern France in January 1, 1798 and died in 1857. He was the first thinker who realized the need for a distinct science of human society. He is regarded as the father of sociology. He is regarded as the father not because of his significant contributions to the subject but because of creating sociology as a science of society or science of human behaviour. Comte first gave the name “Social Physics” to the science invented by him but later he coined the word “Sociology a hybrid term compounded of Latin and Greek words to describe the new science Auguste Comte, a volatile Frenchman, philosopher, moralist and sociologist, traditionally regarded as the father of sociology. He coined the term sociology and bee father of sociology. He tried to create a new science of society, which would not only explain the past of mankind but also predict its future course. Auguste Comate was born in France the year 1798. He inve...