Charts and Graphs for Managers

It is generally said that a picture speaks thousand words, so is true for charting. They represent the data which can be easily and clearly understood by the viewer. In the absence of such a chart they user won’t easily understand about certain trends just looking at the table. Comparison in data is much easier with charting methods. Smart draw and excel are generally used tools for charts and graphs. Type of Charts Bar Graph This chart shows the trends using the vertical and horizontal bars. The bars shows the differences between the trends over a time. The chart is build on X and Y axis, generally time shown on x-axis and the trend on y-axis. A bar represents a category. Each category is separated by a space between the bar. Stacked or Relative Value Chart Whereas Bar chart is used for simple data set relationship, stacked bar chart allows complex relationships representation. It allows us for placement of one or more sub-categories inside a bar. Here sub-categ...