
Showing posts from March 13, 2020


“ Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. ” - Aristotle The above quote aptly justifies the role played by work-related attitudes. It is   attitudes that create the distinction between pleasure and displeasure towards work. Attitudes are evaluative statements reflected towards any object, person or situation. An individual’s behaviour to a great extent is determined by the attitude he carries, which could be positive or negative, favourable or unfavourable, good or bad. The cognitive and affective components of attitude remain hidden and it is the behavoural component that is overt and hence observable. The initiation of attitude occurs with the formation of cognitive component which is the ‘information seeker and analyser’. It gives rise to the emergence of the affective component, which is governed by the emotional and sentimental aspects of human beings. Eventually, it is the affective component that is reflected through our behaviour, which could be desira...