Logical Positivism and Education
Logical Positivism is logical knowledge which is based on direct experience. It is also known as scientific empiricism. Bertrand Russell, Hume, C. W. Morris, Carnap, Whitehead , Wittgenstein were the prominent scientist / philosophers who propagated this philosophy. Main thought of the Philosophy Carnep is of the view that philosophical thoughts should be analysed logically by using scientific methods. Wittgenstein gave the idea that world is an essence of fact not an essence of any object. He criticized science by saying that science is not an organized form of names but an organized form of sentences. However, the main purpose of above philosophers was to prove the futility of metaphysics. They tried to give a scientific base to philosophy rejecting metaphysics. Thus the basic purpose of logical positivism is to prove metaphysics as meaningless. According to logical positivism there are two ways of knowing: 1. Knowing by experience 2. ...