Acid Attack in the backdrop of Criminal Amendment Act, 2013

All over the world, women have always been discriminated against and are made to suffer the discrimination in silence at each facets of life. In country like India at one hand women are personified as Goddess and on the other hand they are been abused, harassed, denied basic fundamental rights like proper food, health, education. The Government of India has ratified the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women and has passed plethora of laws for the protection and upliftment of women. But still, in recent past, India has witnessed many high profile cases of rape, many new cases of gang rapes, domestic violence, acid attack against women. Everyday a new case of violence against women is brought into limelight, which shows the need of concerted government action for the protection and safety of women. There are a wide range of crimes that are committed against women based on the consideration of their sex alone. All such acts of violence “that i...