
Showing posts from November 29, 2017

Assistive Technologies for Inclusion

Exceptional children are those children who are different or deviate from normal or average children either to the lower or higher side in relation to mental, physical emotional and social characteristics. Mental characteristics considered as super intelligence, sub- normal intelligence and feeble mindless etc. Emotional characteristics like psychoneurotic, psychotics, character irregularities, emotionally disturbed. Social characteristics considered as socially maladjusted, isolated and delinquents and physical dimensions includes visual and hearing deficiencies, speech disorder, chronic illness, psychosomatic disease, epilepsy and superior physique. Crow & Crow “the term exceptional is applied to a trait or to a person possessing traits up to the extent of deviation from the normal possession of the trait so great that because of it the individual warrants or receives special attention from his fellow and his behavior responses and activities are thereby affected”. A concept ...

Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a psychological attitude in which you expect good and constructive results. A positive mind waits for cheerfulness, wellbeing and a happy start or ending in any situation. As it is rightly said, “you can, you should, and if you’re brave enough to start, you will.”  - Stephen King . Positive thinking sounds useful on the shell. But, “positive thinking” is also a flexible and downy term that is easy to dismiss. Positive thinking improves the overall mood of an individual. He/she is always hopeful regardless of the circumstances. Positive thinking also effects the person’s mental growth. The power of positive thinking helps in curing depression, which is most common now-a-days. Persistence in positive thinking is the key to achieve a permanent positive approach. Problems will still come your way, but it is always easier to deal with any conditions with an affirmative attitude. When we practi...


When our constitution was drafted it did not contain any specific provisions on environment but there are certain provisions which to great extent had direct bearing on the environment such as improvement of public health, protection of natural monuments from spoliation, disfigurement etc. Article 47 of the Constitution is considered to be more important, because it imposes the primary duty on the State to provide public with improved health, raised level of nutrition and ultimately improved standard of living. Public health can be assured to the public only by offering the safe and protected environment to live in. This enabled the framers of our Constitution to be more conscious on the environmental concern. India is also one of the signatories of the Stockholm Declaration which is known as Magna Carta on human environment. Based upon the Stockholm conference, the Indian parliament passed the forty second amendment to the constitution in the year 1976 and incorporated specially tw...


Nature has bestowed the beautiful capacity to procreate a life within woman and every woman cherishes the experience of motherhood. Unfortunately, some women due to certain physiological and medical conditions are not able to give birth to their own children. The desire to be a mother leads them to search for alternative solutions, and surrogacy presents itself as the most viable alternative. Advances in assisted reproductive techniques such as donor insemination and, embryo transfer methods, have revolutionized the reproductive environment, resulting in surrogacy‘, as the most desirable option. The system of surrogacy has given hope to many infertile couples, who long to have a child of their own. Taking advantage of the advanced medical facilities, they seek alternative solutions like Artificial Reproductive Technology (ART), In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) and, Intra-Uterine Injections (IUI), in the hope of having a child of their own. In the past, surrogacy arrangements were gener...


Illegally seeking control of a website by taking over a domain is known as Web Jacking. It is similar to Hi-jacking. In this, actual website is never touched. Instead DNS is compromised. In these kinds of offences the hacker gains access and control over the web site of another. The hacker may even mutilate or change the information on the site. This may be done for fulfilling political objectives or for money. E.g. recently the site of MIT (Ministry of Information Technology) was hacked by the Pakistani hackers and some obscene matter was placed therein. Further the site of Bombay crime branch was also web jacked. Another case of web jacking is that of the ‘gold fish’ case. In this case the site was hacked and the information pertaining to gold fish was changed. Further a ransom of US $ 1 million was demanded as ransom. Thus web jacking is a process whereby control over the site of another is made backed by some consideration for it. The Web Jacking Attack Vector i...