Why ban e-cigarettes but not the more hazardous bidis?

The government of India is shamefully hypocritical in restricting the utilization of e-cigarettes, generally called vaping because it involves breathing in nicotine-implanted vapour from a warmed fluid cartridge. Vaping has existed for just 10 years, so long haul investigations of its effects on health are obscure; however it has absolutely caused a few deaths and diseases. These pale into inconsequentiality when contrasted with in excess of a million deaths every year in India from tobacco use, for the most part from cheap bidis, as indicated by concentrates by Dr Prabhat Jha of Toronto University. One investigation by Public Health England appraises that vaping is 95% less destructive than smoking. Side-stream tobacco smoke can influence the health of honest spectators, yet e-cigarettes produce no smoke with related cancer-causing agents like tar, which is the reason they are less deadly. The tobacco family is pleased with the restriction on e-cigarettes, which will he...