Optical Wireless for Medical Services: High-speed Inter-building Connectivity

The Problem: Hospitals and medical facilities serve as the information hub for many health-care campus environments. As medical groups embrace technology that enables instant access to digital X-ray images, medical records and other care-related patient files, new bandwidth challenges emerge. Traditionally, the only viable option for building-to-building communication between health care facilities has been dedicated T1/E1 or leased fiber connections. While some hospitals have made the expensive investment in fiber, many are deterred by the cost-prohibitive pains of bringing new buildings into the network. To eliminate the enormous costs of fiber, existing throughput constraints of T1/E1 lines and installations that can take months, hospitals and medical groups are turning to Optical Wireless solutions. The Solution: Hospitals and medical groups with buildings visible by line-of-sight are turning to high-speed Optical Wireless bridging solutions for real-time medical i...