
Showing posts from September 25, 2018


Nobody ever thought that Spirituality could get related to management. The two fields which were entirely different from each other today are seeking lot of recognition and it seems as if they are gelling pretty well with each other. One of a new dimension in management studies and research approaches is Workplace Spirituality which is still in evolving stage. It is not about religion or organized religious practices, not about god or theology. Modern authors consider it entirely different from religion.   To define Workplace Spirituality is itself a task, it being too subjective different authors have given different definitions to explain it. Karakas (2010) said that there are more than 2000 definitions of Workplace Spirituality and till now there is no consensus. The most accepted definition is that of Ashmos and Duchon (2003) who said Workplace Spirituality is about recognizing that people have an inner life that nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work in the contex...