7 I’s of Service Marketing Mix: a New Way of Defining Service Mix

7 I’s of Service Marketing Mix: a New Way of Defining Service Mix With the growing importance of service marketing , traditional 4Ps of marketing were inadequate. So, three additional Ps were introduced; People, Process and Physical Evidence. People acts as the interaction part with customers, physical evidence as a support medium by organization while process represents a progression that can satisfy customer’s expectations. Thus, service marketing mix also known as extended marketing mix consists of 7 P’s of marketing product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. High growth is seen in service sector with more than 50 % of world GDP coming from service sector. Business environment is changing and so as the marketing practice and customer preferences. This result into updation of model of 7 P’s of service marketing mix. 7 I’s of service marketing mix is a model given to solve the need of service marketers in a more effective way. Corres...