Python a Multi-purpose Programming Language

Introduction: Python is one of the general purpose high level interpreted programming language that has gained a momentum over the couple of years. It has sought the attention of corporate, academia and the free lancers. It is a Weakly-typed languages, it means the Python make conversions between unrelated types implicitly for example when we write var =23, this is automatically assigned into type at runtime. It is also a dynamically -typed language which means that Python do type checking (i.e., the process of verifying and enforcing the constraints of types on values at runtime and thus we don't need to use data types to declare variable . Figure-1 shows the different languages that fall under strongly-typed, statically –typed, weakly-typed and dynamically-typed languages. Simplicity: Python is much simpler and easier to learn and also it provides lots of high-level data structures which can be manipulated with inbuilt functionality. Because of thi...