
Showing posts from October 8, 2021

The Art of skillful Teaching

  We often wonder what makes a successful Teacher…. The basic requirement is the love for Teaching. When we reflect back to identify the keys to successful teaching it is narrowed down to very simple steps and requirements.  Passion, warmth and understanding are traits strongly associated with the teacher’s success. Research has proved that student’s learning is enhanced in a positive emotional climate, the teacher takes student needs and perspective into account; and the teacher is not harsh or sarcastic. Teachers who provide clear presentations and explanations have students who learn better. Successful teachers are clear about the objectives they need to achieve. They are meticulous in their planning – as it impacts the learning the most. The planning is done for various levels – annual, term, unit, week and day wise. It is important that all of them are coordinated. Planning not only eliminates uncertainty but also provide flexibility for optimum learning to take place. Th...