The Art of skillful Teaching

 We often wonder what makes a successful Teacher…. The basic requirement is the love for Teaching. When we reflect back to identify the keys to successful teaching it is narrowed down to very simple steps and requirements. 

Passion, warmth and understanding are traits strongly associated with the teacher’s success. Research has proved that student’s learning is enhanced in a positive emotional climate, the teacher takes student needs and perspective into account; and the teacher is not harsh or sarcastic.

Teachers who provide clear presentations and explanations have students who learn better. Successful teachers are clear about the objectives they need to achieve. They are meticulous in their planning – as it impacts the learning the most. The planning is done for various levels – annual, term, unit, week and day wise. It is important that all of them are coordinated. Planning not only eliminates uncertainty but also provide flexibility for optimum learning to take place. The teacher is expected to have knowledge about their students’ previous knowledge, interest and ability. There is no standard model for planning and it should be tailor made for the class of students in question. At all times the teacher must have the learning goal/ objective in mind.

Subject experts have elaborate systems of knowledge for action research. The expertise is a combination of Academic content and pedagogy – how to teach the content is specific to the subject and situation. Successful teachers are constantly improving their work with students. Teachers effectively use  Bloom’s Taxonomy that covers the three domains of learning – cognitive, affective & psychomotor that engulfs the six basic outcomes – knowledge, comprehension, application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation, later the revised taxonomy had - remember, understand, apply, analyze, evaluate and create during the course of imparting knowledge.

With the present hybrid mode of teaching adopted by most of the teachers, Technology plays a pivotal role, online platforms give teachers access to high quality professional development material and teaching –learning material for little or no cost. Teaching with visuals and videos through the concept of learner scaffolding assists in developing the necessary skills in students. The teacher’s development and up gradation brings about a change in the effectiveness, the entire process is dynamic and it impacts the larger context within which teachers operate and function.

 Prof Rekha Mahajan


Jagannath Institute of Education



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