Teacher As: Critical Pedagogue

Education is not only a process of cognitive development. It is a process of overall development of the child. The whole teaching learning process consist with three important components i.e student, teacher and curriculum. In the process of curriculum construction, evaluation and feedbacks are an important aspect to redesign the curriculum. Evaluation cannot be made on the basis of academic achievement of the students. Teacher should play an important role in the construction of curriculum as well as transaction of curriculum. Thus there is a need that teacher should take initiative to evaluate the whole education system as a Critical pedagogue. It is an ability to evaluate our teaching and the practices prevailing in existing education system critically in relation to methods and practices adopted by the teacher to teach concern pedagogical subjects. Ira Shor defines Critical pedagogy is habits of thought, reading, writing and speaking which go beneath surface meaning, first impression, dominant myths, traditional clichés and opinion to understand the deep meaning, root causes, ideology and consequences of any event, object or process. Here teacher consider a classroom as a laboratory where experiments can be conducted to make their teaching more meaningful to the students. Teacher as a real pedagogue always look for new and innovative ideas of learning in classrooms. Some desirable traits or competencies required to be called critical pedagogue. Teacher should have ability to take new challenges and to face the consequences.  Teacher should have ability to convert traditional methods of teaching into new method of learning. Teacher should have broad vision to think and to identify or analyze the needs of the learners. Teacher’s responsibility is not only to transfer the knowledge to the student but to provide them opportunities to construct their own knowledge. Teacher should equip with analytical skills, observational skills and management skills. Essentially it is required to be called pedagogue teacher should have curiosity to learn and must aware about all the happenings, developments and progress in the concern field of education.
Raisa Khan(Assistant Professor)

JIE, Greater Noida


  1. Creativity of author is only spectacular. It has touched to the extent of understanding along with his writing. the entirety is up to the mark. Written flawlessly and i will use such facts for my coming task. ติว a level ที่ไหนดี

  2. Relevant source of information

  3. Its not correct fully as a critical pedagogy.

  4. Easy to grasp the concept clearly.thank you.

  5. There is no reference to building critical consciousness in the student, a main pillar in critical pedagogy. Critical pedagogy is more than finding new ways to teach, it should spark a dialogue with students and work towards freedom from oppression.


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