Let me ask you a question; what according to you is the main reason, the USP (in this case UPP, Unique popularity point) for the immense growth and popularity of the internet/web in the past few years???

Its simplicity, ease of use; what is the underlying factor that has been boosting the internet culture. Internet nowadays is not just a technological achievement; it’s a cult, a living cult whose existence we cannot deny.

Remember the days of "Dada-Dadi ki Kahaniyan (Stories by Grandparents)”. There are hundred reasons why you loved them, but the most important out of them is the interaction. When we inquired them about anything there always was a certain answer and that lead to another story. This interactivity was the part that leads to their success and interactivity is the reason I suppose the cause for internet popularity.

I agree, you agree, we all agree, but while giving 'Interactivity' a thumbs up aren't we ignoring one important thing like we have always done, 'The Link'.

The link between the stories of grandpa, the link between the various contents of the internet. Leaving the tech glitch let’s focus on humane aspect; web has emerged as the age old, experienced grandparents who have answers to every query.

The computers have replaced the good old grandpa. The verbal interaction has been changed to textual/graphical representation. This is one of the reasons that many dialects and languages are at the brink of existence.

So why has this happened, why computers have replaced humans in just about half a century. Is the fast paced life to be blamed or the run for the money??? Blame whatever you want, the fact is that the human interactivity has been replaced by textual and graphical representation; grandparents have been replaced by search engines.

This change of interactivity has also hampered the human relationships. What underlying problem now stands in front of us? Increase the interactivity, but not at cost of the human intervention. There is a limit to everything; you cannot travel at the speed of light; so a threshold has to be decided.

Undeniably we can see that the Links are the underlying features that have given web its immense popularity. We now have the mundane task to increase 'linking', not of the web pages, but of the humane factor, and that my dear friends, will be the new technical paradigm to be achieved.

Prerna Agarwal
Computer Science & Engineering

Assistant Professor


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