Balance is not impossible


You know, most people struggle to manage their personal and professional lives.
Especially during these times we are living...

Their job demands more of them. They have to work longer hours to make ends meet. Plus, everyday they're more pressured to get things done quicker. Most of the time, work ends up taking over their lives. I’m sure you've felt that way too.
It was like that for me at some point. I got so focused on work I lost sight of everything else. There was no time for other things.

No fun. I didn't have time to see my friends. I wasn't spending enough time with my family. And I had a back pain that just kept getting worse because I didn't have time to get it treated. I know firsthand how easy it is to let lost in your obligations and loose sight of what's really important.

The question is, how do you get out of it? How can you thrive in your career and still take care of all the other areas of your life? If you need to know how balanced or imbalanced your life is, there's a great tool you can use.

It's called the Wheel of Life.

This tool will help you consider each area of your life and see clearly what's off balance. That way, you can identify what areas need more attention and which areas you're neglecting. Maybe it's your health. Maybe it's your spirituality.

Or maybe it's something else...What does the Wheel of Life look like? To something like this.

What you need to do now is rate how satisfied you are with the different aspects of your life (from 0 to 10).For each aspect, also write down why you're giving it that score.
Then, see how it looks. Do you realize you spend way too much time working than you should? Are your friends and you not close anymore? Are you not spending as much time with your family as you used to? Now that you know the areas that need attention, it's time to take action.

Call those friends you haven't seen in a while and set something up to meet.
Get off work early and take your partner to a romantic dinner. Set up a routine and start exercising every day. Make the changes you need until you're happy your Wheel of Life looks.


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