Terrorism in India


Terrorism has become a major threat to India's unity and integrity. The masterminds of terror seek to achieve their objectives by creating an atmosphere of fear aimed at destabilizingIndia. Major areas affected by terrorist activities in India include Jammu and Kashmir, East-Central and South-Central India (Naxalism) and the Seven Sisters (North-East).

Unemployment has been one of the major reasons. Due to which the terrorist groups attract the younger generation to make money easily. Poverty-stricken young people with poor socio-economic background are the ultimate targets of ISI. Because they bid to make money easily.

India has already been ranked among the top ten terrorism affected countries in the world. Apart from radical terror affected states like Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Tripura, Assam, Nagaland and Manipur, there are other states which are victims of Naxalite terrorism. Currently, various terrorist organizations are secretly operated in the country, whose members are difficult to identify. The authorities have established their relationships with various international terrorism organizations. Most of which are being operated globally to supply arms and ammunition to various countries to destabilize the country.

Poverty and unemployment are one of the major reasons for promoting the growth of terrorism in India. If we want to stop terrorism, so we need to address the reasons that give rise to the bigotry of youth in different parts of the country.




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