Last few decades of the 20th Century and the first quarter of the 21st Century is, without doubt belong to one nation by a large extent as Story of economic growth. It truly grew like a dragon and also un-fortunately it tried to make the influence in the world map in a dragon style as well. It has become too influential as most of the countries depended by a large means for its supply and it has enjoyed the monopoly by creating the giant wealth. It made China as the one of the most powerful nation in the world map and also due to one another important factor as other developed economy encountered a slow-down or saturation in there economy. The dialogue from the famous Hollywood blockbuster movie Spiderman ‘With power comes responsibility’ fit shere perfectly. The China has become one of the most powerful nation but it never fulfill edits responsibility.

                        It wasn’t the end of the story but just a beginning as it tries to flex its muscle in the South Asia Sea by bullying all of its neighbor. It never followed the hidden rules lying everywhere and path of cooperation. It followed idea of manipulation, money power and damaging the geographical balance towards its favor. Being the Non-Democratic country just adds the fuel to it. The relationship China had with the rest of the world the gone to another level downwards with the rise of Covid-19 and doubt over the origin of Corona. It clubbed with the fact that the China was the world’s biggest supplier, became a catalyst. It throws the window of opportunity for the alternate world to be the second thread of supply line with the World as businesses across needs the non-existent second line of supply in the absence of China.

                        If it wasn’t enough the China played another game and tried to do the adventure at the border at the worst possible time in the last few decades. The World sentiments and impact of Corona had already triggered a negative vibes towards China and the border escalation with India and the simultaneous cold war at the economic front with US was most welcome event in the Year 2020 for India and other countries. A strong leadership clubbed with stable government, good will power of Indian armies had given a strong reply to China and the strategic moves by India by allaying with anti-China countries took China by a big surprise. China was simply not in a position to chew or spit it. Definitely China was not ready for this and the Indian sentiments leads to start a long process of dissolving a lot of ties/supplies/partnerships with the one of the world largest and growing consumer market, was a big blow with Indian perspective with the world largest growing economy. However, it laid down the foundation of self-reliant India as timing suitsas the world major businesses need an alternate supply and to avoid over dependency with China and all this triggered with the layer of mistrust the world have with India’s neighbor.

            In summary, the Made in China not just symbolizedas World factory but alsothe opportunity it throws to the Countries like India to being a reasonable and dependable answer to worlds need for an alternate supply chain. The smart implementation with the ease of business and providing the safe and secure environment to the local companies and the major business houses to start from alternate site in countries like India could be the story of 21st Century and can be the next buzz world as ‘Made In India’ or ‘Make In India’ in the world economy or it could be someone else to be seen.


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