Emotional Resilience: Cope with Organizational Stress
                                 Raisa Khan (Assistant Professor, JEMTEC, Greater Noida)

Every organization requires skilled and efficient employees to maintain it existence and growth. The quality and the commitment of human resources effect organization progress and growth. An individual growth of the employee depends on the organizational growth. Organization and effective and efficient employee both works as two sides of one coin. Sometime when the gap between demand and supply increase and an individual won’t be able to fill this gap becomes a victim of stress. Stress is unavoidable part of our daily life. Life is full of difficulties and problems it is called life stressors. Each and every moment we encounter with stressful situations. But with the use of our intelligence and capabilities we cope with all these distractive situations which motivate people to live actively and productively. Some time when these situations prolong for longer period of time can affect an individual negatively at all stages of development i.e physical, emotional, mental or social. The term stress was coined by Hans Selye, 1936 who define stress as “the non- specific response of the body to any demand for change”.
Organizational stress can be define “as the reaction people have to excessive demands and pressures, arising when people try to cope the task, responsibilities or other types of pressures connected with their jobs, but find difficulty, strain and worry to do so” (Health and Safety Executive, 1995). Organizational stress is the result of interaction between an employee of an organization and the work environment. Thus it is necessary that every individual should have the capability to deal with stress situations or to overcome the stress this capability known as coping strategies.
Coping is the process or efforts to mange conflict and to deal with stress. These strategies can be in the form of overt and covert behavior both. According to Lazarus,1974 “the term coping has been used to denote the way of dealing with stress or the efforts to master conditions of harm, threat and challenges when a routine or automatic response is not readily available”.
Emotional resilience is one of the coping strategies can be used by an individual to overcome stressful situation. Passionate flexibility essentially alludes to one's capacity to adjust to stressful circumstances or problems. People who are more resilience to affliction without enduring challenges, people who have less resilience power have a harder time with anxiety and life changes. We as a whole know somebody who appears to be greatly improved at taking care of anxiety or a trouble some circumstance that another person does. We all born with some degree of resilience power but at some extant it can be earn or increase with the experience or interaction with the environment.
Ways to Build Resilience Power
Make good relationship: it is necessary to maintain good and harmonious relationship. Share your problem to person you trust and admire most.  Take their help and support to map possible alternatives to solve the problem. Take decision according to your understanding about the situations. 
Accept the changes: it is important way to handle stressful situation. Change is universal phenomena. Life does not remain constant. Everyone should have the ability to adjust our self according to the changes in surroundings.
Take Action: normally we counter with many stressful situations in day to day life. Few situations are familiar and few are unfamiliar. We focused only on familiar situation and leave unfamiliar one. We are not ready to face or encounter with these situations. To increase our resilient power it is necessary to take advice, discuss or explore the strategies to fight with unpleasant situation.
Positive Attitude: more resilient people are more positive in their thinking and performance. Confidence over our own abilities to handle the problem effectively and trust over inherent or earned experiences helps to build resilience.
Love yourself: it is very difficult to develop emotional resiliency if you don’t love yourself and always keep yourself exhausted. Give some time to understand our self, pay attention to your feelings, desires and emotional. Live your life according to your wish, enjoy every moment of life, limit your materialistic desires and search for true happiness.


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