
Showing posts from March, 2020

Elderly People and their Status in Contemporary Society

Elderly people are custodian of our Indian cultural and traditional Prudence and knowledge. They transfer rites, rituals, custom and tradition to   the next generation. They are enrich with ample of life experiences in social, cultural,political and economic field They are valuable for society on each and every stage of   development elderly people are chain between New society and traditional society. Elderly people are like old banyan tree which provide shade. They are   rich with experience and that can be used   to understand the culture, and the contemporary issues in which the present society is dwelling in ,they are the transmitter of custom, tradition ,rites and rituals. It’s very essential to take care of a person who holds your hand in all your good and bad times, \ and introduced you to this world .who, provide you an Identity. Care for them is our moral duty .Old age is an inevitable truth. Elderly people are very valuable and precious for...

Time to change old marketing practices; Case of ICICI Bank

ICICI bank, the leading private sector bank in India, changed the way of marketing of services by targeting an unexplored market having around 100 million customers ICICI bank, India’s largest private sector bank,   has launched a Facebook application   ‘ Pockets’ , enabling   customers to do banking services   directly from Face book site. Understanding the need of their target customers especially   the youth and the gen-next, the Pocket   app is providing all banking services including   money transfer, mobile & DTH recharge, booking of movie tickets etc. from their Facebook pages without any additional surcharge of using this payment gateway. The app also allows the customers to split and track group expenses and share them with their friends on the social media site. For pending payments, even reminders can be sent to friends via the app. To make the transaction very secure, the bank sends one-time password for every new transaction...

“Mobile comparing through web-sites: a great help to find right mobile”

Nowadays, many mobile brands and many different mobiles are available in the market. Because of this, the customer would have a lot of confusions to buy a mobile . They may be misled by the shopkeeper and sellers. And to do the same thing to a single person himself is a big task. So if someone wants to buy mobile or anything, then he can take help of internet. Now there are many such sites on the internet which show the revisions of the product. In which there is a public opinion with the opinion of their own experts. Which helps us a lot in buying our mobile or any gadget? And these sites also compute them on a technical basis. Today, I will tell you the names of some popular sites that work on this and it is very important for making public opinion. ü : ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü ü   c...


Corona viruses (CoV) associate outsize family of viruses that cause illness starting from the cold to additional severe diseases like Mideast metabolic process Syndrome (MERS-CoV) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS-CoV). A completely unique corona virus (nCoV) could also be a brand new strain that has not been previously identified in humans till now corona covered distance of 12700 kilometers from its inception in Fish Market, Wuhan, China. Corona viruses are zoonotic, meaning they're transmitted between animals and others very easily and that’s why it’s spread so quickly in each continent of world. Symptoms As with different metabolic process diseases, infection with 2019-nCoV will cause delicate symptoms as well as a fluid nose, raw throat, cough, and fever. It’s usually additional severe for some persons and w...

The True Business Value of Design

“Try not to become a man of success. Rather become a man of value.”  – Albert Einstein Value is an attribute that defines how much something is worth. People tend to make decisions by assessing value, such as “Should I buy that product?” or, “Should I subscribe to that service ?” As they are considering the business value of design, business leaders may ask: “Should I hire a designer?” Value is not something a designer can simply assign themselves and have a potential client automatically recognize it. However ,  designers  can focus on the business value of design and master the art of presenting themselves as value-driven professionals. Rather than focusing on embellishing their portfolio or increasing their rate, in order to boost bookings and be paid more, designers should concentrate on becoming more  valuable  to clients. Since businesses are primarily looking for results, i.e., value delivered, designers who can demonstrate they’re able to deliv...

दृढ़ इच्छा शक्ति

चाहने से क्या कुछ नहीं मिल सकता ; बस हमारे मन में अपने लक्ष्य को प्राप्त करने की दृढ़ इच्छा शक्ति होनी चाहिएऔर हमें स्वयं पर विश्वासहोना चाहिए ।हमारी यह दृढ़ इच्छाशक्ति और आत्मविश्वास हीहमेंएक सकारात्मक दृष्टि प्रदान करता है , जिससे प्रेरणा पाकर हमअपने जीवनपथ पर निरंतर आगे बढ़ रहते हैं । यदिएक बार हम अपने लक्ष्य की ओर अग्रसर हो जाये और उसको पाने का भरसक प्रयास करें तो एक दिन सफलता अवश्य मिलेगी । जहाँ तक बात सुख- दुःख और कठिनाइयों की है तो यह सभी जीवन केअभिन्न अंग हैं, यहचीजें सभी के जीवन में व्याप्त हैं , इनसे बचना मुश्किल है ।लेकिन जो व्यक्ति इन समस्याओं से लड़कर , आगे बढ़ता है , वही एक सफल इंसान कहलाता है । इसलिएहमें अपना ध्यान सदैव हमारे जीवन लक्ष्यों पर लगाना चाहिए और उनको प्राप्त करने की दिशा में निरंतर प्रयासरत रहना चाहिए है ; क्योंकि सफलता तो वही जो कठिनाइयों पर विजय प्राप्त करके मिले । मैं आपको फ्रांस के एक प्रसिद्ध दार्शनिक के बारे में बताने जा रहा हूँ , जि नका जीवन अत्यंत ही संघर्षपूर्ण रहा । उनका यह संघर्ष अपने समाज से नहीं बल्कि स्वयं से था । लेकिनअपने जीवन में उन्...


“ Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work. ” - Aristotle The above quote aptly justifies the role played by work-related attitudes. It is   attitudes that create the distinction between pleasure and displeasure towards work. Attitudes are evaluative statements reflected towards any object, person or situation. An individual’s behaviour to a great extent is determined by the attitude he carries, which could be positive or negative, favourable or unfavourable, good or bad. The cognitive and affective components of attitude remain hidden and it is the behavoural component that is overt and hence observable. The initiation of attitude occurs with the formation of cognitive component which is the ‘information seeker and analyser’. It gives rise to the emergence of the affective component, which is governed by the emotional and sentimental aspects of human beings. Eventually, it is the affective component that is reflected through our behaviour, which could be desira...

Data Storage Encryption in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides us facility to store our data on cloud and use it according to our convenience whether we are at our office, home or some other places. There is one more fact that we can also access our data from any devices which is connected by internet whether it is a personal computer, Laptop, Tablet or any other devices. There are several advantages of using cloud computing whether it is scalability, usability, and reliability. Cloud computing provides us tremendous result. We can scale up or down the resources as and when needed. Security is a measure concerns in cloud computing as peoples are thinking that their data may be stolen or can be viewed by any other person. There is a need to increase the trust; however several works has been done in the field to increase the trust among users. Peoples having fear that the internal users of cloud service provider can see and access their data as they are the internal users. If we store the data in the encrypted form th...

CAA: A Game-Changer for India

The CAA has become effective. Presently, it's a law of the nation. The entire world is looking towards India with a suspicious eye because of the fights after its execution. What will happen now? All the resistance groups are against the usage of the new law. Shockingly, every ideological group is acting in scurry and responding without plunging profound into this subject to get it. Frightened of losing their help base among voters, ideological groups are bouncing into end in scramble and all the while, they are making mess for themselves as well as for the general public. It has just made a commotion type circumstance in certain pieces of the nation. Indian populace is commanded by youth, who are greatest 30-32 years old. This age bunch is unstable and touchy towards their basic rights, security and development. Ideological groups, who were all the while attempting to grapple with the administration's masterstroke of expelling Article 370, began harming the psyche...


MOOC’s stands for Massive online open courses. MOOC’s are based upon the phenomenon of compounded study with timing without any barrier. Basically in year 2008 when the industry oriented courses became in demand and standardization as well as accreditation of regular traditional courses became popular, the MOOC’s came in existence. Reason for opting the MOOC’s is to achieve the determined goal of study without any timeline as well as without limited resources. This also remove the restriction of age of study and type of study, simply means that anyone at any age at any time from any location can study and get certified as well in any discipline. Students from typical rural area’s were not capable to pay and stay somewhere to learn from experienced faculty members, due to advancement of technology and systemic upgradation now it is feasible that they can study at their native places. One of the more realistic problem were there in education system that after a particular age peopl...

Multi Quotient: Way to be The Absolute

We live in the 21st century, where the prefix ‘multi' is the necessity of successful life , such as multipurpose, multitasking, multi-cuisine, multi-talented, multinational, multidimensional, multimedia, multilingual, etc. Now let us focus on another not so known terminology known as multi quotient that has become the utmost necessitate of today’s life. The multi quotient is the concoction of IQ, EQ, CQ, PQ, AQ, SQ, which are one of the basics to generate meaning in life. A few years ago, we have lived in that era where parents were more concerned about the physical health and academics of their children. Now the time has changed. Lifestyles, social life, eating habits, sleeping habits, addiction towards technological gadgets, online gaming, and paradigm shift of relationship patterns have the competence to worsen the current setting around human beings. Generally, our mental capability to think prefers IQ above all remaining quotients and that does not suffice to determine t...

7 I’s of Service Marketing Mix: a New Way of Defining Service Mix

7 I’s of Service Marketing Mix: a New Way of Defining Service Mix With the growing importance of service marketing , traditional 4Ps of marketing were inadequate. So, three additional Ps were introduced; People, Process and Physical Evidence. People acts as the interaction part with customers, physical evidence as a support medium by organization while process represents a progression that can satisfy customer’s expectations. Thus,   service marketing mix also known as extended marketing mix consists of 7 P’s of marketing   product, price, place, promotion, people, process and physical evidence. High growth is seen in service sector with more than 50 % of world GDP coming from service sector. Business environment is changing and so as the marketing practice and customer preferences. This result into updation of model of 7 P’s of service marketing mix. 7 I’s of service marketing mix is a model given to solve the need of service marketers in a more effective way. Corres...