Data Storage Encryption in Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides us facility to store our data on cloud and use it according to our convenience whether we are at our office, home or some other places. There is one more fact that we can also access our data from any devices which is connected by internet whether it is a personal computer, Laptop, Tablet or any other devices.
There are several advantages of using cloud computing whether it is scalability, usability, and reliability. Cloud computing provides us tremendous result. We can scale up or down the resources as and when needed.
Security is a measure concerns in cloud computing as peoples are thinking that their data may be stolen or can be viewed by any other person. There is a need to increase the trust; however several works has been done in the field to increase the trust among users. Peoples having fear that the internal users of cloud service provider can see and access their data as they are the internal users. If we store the data in the encrypted form then it would not possible to the internal users to see and access the data.
This is a good way to encrypt the data before storing on cloud. There are different techniques available to encrypt the data on cloud. Encryption techniques use the algorithm DES (Data Encryption Standard), AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), RSA (Rivest–Shamir–Adleman), Homomorphism etc. There are two major encryption techniques which are known as Identity Based Encryption and Attribute Based Encryption.
In Identity Based Encryption a secret key is generated with the help of the public key of a user. The public key may be the email address of a person or any other public information available. This public key is converted into the private key by the trusted third party. By doing so, there is no need to distribute public key over the networks and there is a less chance to obtain this public key by the malicious user.
Attribute Based Encryption is an example of public key encryption in which cipher text and the secret key both are dependent upon the attributes (e.g. department, designation etc.). In this system decryption is possible only when the attributes of user key matches the attributes of the cipher text.


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