Multi Quotient: Way to be The Absolute

We live in the 21st century, where the prefix ‘multi' is the necessity of successful life, such as multipurpose, multitasking, multi-cuisine, multi-talented, multinational, multidimensional, multimedia, multilingual, etc. Now let us focus on another not so known terminology known as multi quotient that has become the utmost necessitate of today’s life. The multi quotient is the concoction of IQ, EQ, CQ, PQ, AQ, SQ, which are one of the basics to generate meaning in life.
A few years ago, we have lived in that era where parents were more concerned about the physical health and academics of their children. Now the time has changed. Lifestyles, social life, eating habits, sleeping habits, addiction towards technological gadgets, online gaming, and paradigm shift of relationship patterns have the competence to worsen the current setting around human beings. Generally, our mental capability to think prefers IQ above all remaining quotients and that does not suffice to determine true happiness and success in today’s tough modern life.
Parents, guardians, and educators have to ensure that our current generation must be aware of grasping hold on them and creating balance among all quotients.
IQ is the topmost known quotient as people think that it contributes majorly to determine the success rate of an individual which is completely untrue as according to typical psychology IQ contributes only 20% to the main factors to establish the success rate so what about the remaining 80%. This narrow point of view will not help parents, teachers and guardians in nurturing their new bees.
There is no doubt about it that IQ is certainly very pivotal for logical and analytical analysis, problem-solving skills and many other skills related to gaining factual knowledge.  However, what about the other important factors to determine the success of the remaining 80%.This 80% is divided into EQ, CQ, PQ, AQ, SQ. What are they? Let us talk about each one of them one by one.
EQ is the emotional quotient and building a balance between logic and emotion. It awakens one about the inner self of oneself and the feelings of others. It gives knowledge about knowing oneself, sensitivity towards flora and fauna, sense of compassion and empathy, spirit to confess our mistakes and misdeeds. It helps us in being better people as it makes us more humane.  None can be a great human being without having the right portion of emotional quotient. Even without EQ, no one would appreciate any person having the only IQ because it is lacking empathy. EQ will certainly help youngsters for being an emotionally intelligent people who will know how to respond in place of reacting.
PQ is the prime one as we all know the famous proverb that only a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. Who can imagine being the one mastering a unique mind but in an unhealthy body? Physical quotient indicates one's physical capacity during physical tests. Not only sportsmen, warriors, performers, dancers, soldiers are in need of PQ but also common people like homemakers, teachers, kids, and family men are in need of PQ. Every one of us is aware of the priceless gift of being healthy. We must be thankful to God for gifting us a healthy body and promise ourselves that we will be away from any bad habit to harm our body. We must aware of our young generation for being protective and proactive to maintain their physical quotients.
CQ is Creative Quotient. Everyone is an artist from inside and anyone can be a creative person. Creativity lies in everyone's heart, mind, and body. It can come out in any form, at any age, and under any circumstances. Creativity gives us Wings to enhance imagination, fantasies and develop aesthetic values. If the young generation will work on developing their CQ, they will find themselves in a happy frame of mind as creativity is about self-love, pleasure, and calmness. We must identify, nurture and support students to work on their CQ.
AQ is an adversity quotient that helps us to deal with hardships and adversities of life. One with high adversity quotient can prove them as survival of the fittest species. Nowadays younger generations seem to surrender so easily under the pressure of stress, depression, anxiety, and trauma, strain, and many more other dilemmas of associations. Self-harm, suicidal tendencies, drug addictions, alcohol may seem the easy way out. Therefore, developing adversity quotient in the young and coming generation can be the best solution as it enables them to be stable under any chaos of life. They will be fully prepared and in spite of saying ‘why me’ they will say ‘try me’.
The very last one and the central one is SQ known as spiritual quotient. Five stages of Faith are the system of belief among people. Begin with bigotry, superstition, religious faith, spirituality and lastly humanity. Bigotry is the tiniest one as it supports extremism, which is the cause of all problems as too much of anything, is dreadful. Spiritual intelligence helps practice morality and values and gives a united purpose in life. SQ is the foundation of all quotients. Hence, it exhibits tolerance, patience, inspiration, motivation, harmony, and peace.
Now it is time for us all to be aware so that we cannot only pay attention to our IQ and PQ but also to work on developing our CQ, AQ, EQ, SQ. Now it is our duty to make every young mind to recognize and to build up these quotients and sustain their balance in their life so that they can live not only a successful life but also a meaningful life. Swami Vivekanand, A.P.J. Abul Kalam Azad, M.S. Dhoni, Sachin Tendulkar, Major Dhyan Chand, Sardar Patel, and our dear Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji are the best-known examples of being master of the multi quotient.


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