Elderly People and their Status in Contemporary Society

Elderly people are custodian of our Indian cultural and traditional Prudence and knowledge. They transfer rites, rituals, custom and tradition to  the next generation. They are enrich with ample of life experiences in social, cultural,political and economic field They are valuable for society on each and every stage of  development elderly people are chain between New society and traditional society. Elderly people are like old banyan tree which provide shade. They are  rich with experience and that can be used  to understand the culture, and the contemporary issues in which the present society is dwelling in ,they are the transmitter of custom, tradition ,rites and rituals.
It’s very essential to take care of a person who holds your hand in all your good and bad times, \ and introduced you to this world .who, provide you an Identity. Care for them is our moral duty .Old age is an inevitable truth. Elderly people are very valuable and precious for an Individual and society   both. The knowledge, wisdom, experience, Maturity comes with the old age. We can compare these old people with a store and Goldmine of abundance useful Knowledge,
Old age is a stage of life when human body become weak, skin withered bones and wrinkled skin with grey silver line.  At this time they are dependent on other family members. Their experiences laid down a better platform for us, and also prepare us to bravely face the problems of life and how to overcome with that.
Elderly people unconditional love for grand children teaches them about the relations and they inculcate in them moral values, make them aware in healthy way with custom and traditions of their culture .If we care for elderly it is an aids to self development. They always teach us   the positive side of life on other hand very tactfully they prepare us to meet with the failures of life and how to strive and bounce back again. When we are in the company of old people and care for them ,the bonding between two generation become more stronger by connecting with them .We learn how to grow. In true sense they prepare us to face the ups and down of life.
Today due to industrialisation, westernisation, modernisation and many other factors the changes are coming in family structure, marriage institution and kinship. The conditions of elderly people have become worst and now their life is a plethora of problems. Today new generation is on one hand becoming Techno savvy, advance but on other hand degradation of moral values can be seen .They feel  like a burden to bear the responsibility of old age person in family. Mercilessly they are dumping them in old age home. In society crime against elderly people is on great rise,Todays youth  think that elderly person is a big hindrance to their  status, luxurious life which he want to live and their career. A person now a day’s prefer to live in nuclear family because of freedom and facilities. Changing status of women, women empowerment ,and education of women ,degradation of  moral values &virtues, are various factors due to which an elderly is not being cared properly. Scarcity of Time and to achieve higher and higher status in society at the cost of our elderly Parents .
Now a day’s people are not emotionally attached to their old age parents or Grand Pa because of materialistic world. People are living in nuclear families because of that lack of Socialization this thinking has given rise to individualistic approach. They are ready to leave their Old age Parents to get on top. Many of the senior citizens have to face abuse in family. Today’s generation who is so well qualified are neglecting their Old Parents. As a result they are force to take shelter on road side and living under pathetic conditions


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