Of surrendering and acceptance

 They say you run the day or the day runs you. But what about the times when you don’t feel like running? The times when the day is too much to deal with and all you look for is some solitude. Do you always have to run the day or be run over by it? No. This is where surrendering and acceptance comes in. During times when you don’t feel like yourself, when the world comes in too close, when nothing seems to be going right, surrender. Surrender not to any God but simply to the highest power there is. You are not meant to carry all those burdens. Lighten your heart and free your soul. You don’t have to always be putting in efforts to try change what is happening. 

Sometimes, peace is not found in trying to change what is happening but simply in accepting the things like they are. Surrender, accept and have faith. If life is too cold, have faith that summer of your life is around the corner. If it has been sunny for way too long, have faith that you are about to receive the warm days soon. Nothing stays. Neither summers, nor winters. Change is all that remains. Surrender to change and flow. There is no shame in surrendering. Bravery does not mean that you always make the efforts to change the scenario. Sometimes bravery simply means being brave enough to have faith that whatever is happening is in your highest good and it will all be fine. They say even when you can’t see the whole staircase, take the first step. In the same way, flow. Even when you can’t see where the tide is taking you, simply flow and let life happen. You never know what you are being prepared for. You never know what you are being protected from. Believe. Believe that you re flowing in the right direction and you shall see the shore soon.  

Believe that you are not alone. Believe thar you are being guided. Believe that all your questions are being answered. Affirm day in and out that you are loved and protected and protected you shall be. Do what your heart says. Listen to nothing or nobody else but just your intuition. Walk away from the worldly chaos and look within. Deep within yourself you will find all your answers. Believe only on them for sometimes it is the Universe or the highest power speaking to you through the voice of your intuition. Be still. Listen to it. Surrender to the journey which the voice of your intuition is carving out for you. Accept both your journey and your destination. Don’t fight. Grow where circumstances plant you. 


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