Cultural Lag And Its Impact On Society

 Change in society is indispensable along with alteration of society social revamping  cultural revamping  also occur in society in materialistic and non materialistic culture.. Cultural lag delineate that when the credo that control and regularize social life do not keep balance with other changes. The elevation   in mechanization and in other areas skillfully proffer old standard /values  and societal norms antiquated which t is the primary  reason to ethical squabble and catastrophes. 

The term cultural lag  means the situation in which applied science  advancement  transpire swiftly in comparison  the changes in the directive  and norms of culture this go by the side of   progress or changes .or in other words we can say that it means that change in materialistic culture occur quick than non materialistic we all know that custom ,traditions ,mores takes time and there change happen but with low and weak speed . due to   this gap and steady pace  of cultural between materialistic & abstract culture  social problems emerge  in society. 

 We observe in society that technology introduced grumpy without caring for its effects and upshot culture is slow and stable .cultural lag occurs whenever there is an imblance  between various  segment of culture due to this a   big gap is created betwixt  non-material &material culture. it shows that only there is change or growth in only one aspect of culture then this problem pop its head. It will create a gap or lag .It manifest  that culture lay hold of   to reach with nibble technological   contrivance. And because of   this Cultural lag create virtuous & moral Complications. On other hand it weaken harmony of society .

Contemporary society is full  many examples of cultural lag the growth in  medical sci  on one hand increased the life period  by providing many good medicines ,machinery  on other hand many people in society are not ready to accept this. They believe that this science is curse for them   they relate it with ethics. 

Test tube baby IVF, Stem cell treatment for various fatal diseases generated a antagonism. A large number of people not ready to accept this new medical approach. It created conflict between medical furtherance, the law, and virtuous and devout beliefs


Culture changes slowly in comparison to science development and this cause tremendous problem and a slit or aperture can be seen in society. Due to this society don’t progress with a rapid speed     .  This problem can be resolved &gap can be filled by spreading education, enlightenment of mind , media & by very constructive govt. policies.

Name of the Author: Dr Richa Srivastava

Designation: Assistant Professor

Department: Law Department


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