This pandemic has disturbed the life of every single being on this planet. Living beings work extremely hard to survive in their life. Earth being a living planet motivates every being to persevere in their life. We all are associated with some form of organization to earn our daily bread for the dependents. Arrival of this pandemic shocked us from inside, resulting to lockdown of whole world. Anyhow we were fighting during this pandemic still working hard, then a sudden news of salary cut began to get announced in every organization. That uncertain news astonished every individual. Climate of demotivation, depression, sorrow, recession, stagnation led to the imagination of dejection, despondency, paralysis. Wavering circumstances destroyed the normal living, giving rise to end in the happiness. Its not that every individual has equally suffered this loss. Mostly the weaker section has suffered a lot and has got hit by this loss and still they are working hard to cope up the personal ...