Different views about Corona after vaccine


First good news of 2021 for all of us was that two corona vaccines are coming and both are developed in India only. We all are facing difficulties since last 10 months and approx all are affected with side effects although lockdown was over from August 2021 but we were advised to take precaution all preventive precautions and avoid public gathering and maintain social distance. Now a day’s people are getting confidence and are not following COVID guidelines neither they are following social distancing nor using face mask and sanitizer. 

Corona vaccine drive was started from 16th January 2021 in India and continued successfully on designated corona vaccine centres. In the initial phase government is giving vaccine to health care workers and other frontline workers. After completion of first phase they will provide vaccine to senior citizens etc. later the vaccine will be available in private market for public use. But there are different views are coming from public for vaccine normally we can divide peoples in three different groups one group is decided take vaccine as soon as possible. Second category has decided not to take vaccine and third one are waiting for side effects on first group. As it’s now approx one month people are vaccinated and getting confidence to take vaccine.

Now a day a big down fall come in average daily cases and that is approx 11000 (eleven thousand only) new cases per day only with more than 99 percent recovery rate. There are many states in India where daily average cases are less than fifty and claimed no death in last fifteen days.

Many employees who are not in manufacturing sector or are in information technology sector are working from home only. Companies also take it as an opportunity and reduce the office infrastructure other resources and allowing employees for work from home. By doing same they are saving big amount. Even some companies are planning to continue this work from home culture after corona time also.

Many states government issued instructions to open schools for students above fifth class with prior consent from parents for offline classes. Many of the parents are not showing confidence and are not in favour to give consent for offline classes. Even many students are having view that they are saving time by attending online classes and same time which they are saving can use for their placement classes and other skill improvement classes.



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