The Unexpected Environmental Change


The air is aromatic, the surroundings are musical with birds twitters , rivers are back with life and nature is free from human disturbance. The canals of Venice, Italy is back with aquatic life, the ocean beaches have flocks of flamingo. The blue water of Ganges is now the playground for dolphins . The lions and tigers have started using roads for leisure time. 


The change is so dramatic, noticeable and positive that the world is now talking about respecting and preserving nature. In Past, the developed and developing countries had been meeting in various conferences and seminars to discuss and plan to protect the earth. The plan was humongous in terms of both time and cost. Most of the country had their own arguments in slowing down and cutting down the pollution by industrial activities. The focus was more on production, better economic growth and more earnings to the country's people. But the current slowdown of economic activities has started healing the Earth.  This proves nature has its own formula of purification and cleaning for its ecological balance.


The fast running world is always striving to profit and people are back in homes protecting themselves and their families. The greatest learning that humankind had in the past century is now, to focus on basics. Who had ever thought of working from home but now it is  a new corporate practice. There are many announcements by corporations to focus on making more and more employees to work remotely in future also. Cleanliness and hygiene is the new custom practiced all across the world.


Researchers have already seen how fast the climate and nature is already revitalizing and recovering from human climate change damage. Earth’s Ozone Layer is healing on its own. This is really a good change for our mother earth.


Currently the change is seen temporary, but only time will tell how long nature will relish this vacation. The fact of unexpected and required environmental change is certainly acknowledged globally. In regard to protecting and saving the environment, governments of different countries are ready in adopting and practicing eco friendly developmental plans.


People should also inherit the simple living style containing their unwanted consumptions. There should be respect towards nature and other living beings for harmonious bionomics and make earth a real “life planet”.


The initiative can be taken by individuals or organizations or at societal level. The educational institutions like JEMTEC have already started various initiatives towards environmental protection and better resource planning among its students and employees.



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