Optical Wireless Solutions Based on Free-Space Optics (FSO) Technology
Now a day’s information wealth depends on the conduction of data, voice and multimedia in telecommunication networks. Despite new technologies that enable legacy copper telephone lines to carry information more efficiently, optical networks remain the most ideal medium for high-bandwidth communications for true connectivity. There are two different types of optical communications : Fiber optics system through fiber optical cable and optical wireless though free space systems based on free-space optics (FSO) technology. For long-haul network deployments, nothing performs better than fiber. When coupled with new Dense Wavelength Division Multiplex (DWDM) technologies, fiber optics is capable of carrying information at 40Gbps. However, for making connections over relatively short distances in cities—the “last mile” between the fiber and the majority of end users—fiber and optical wireless solutions often rely on one another for success. The two technologies not only come from the sam...