Impact of Social media on Higher Studies

According to Pareto Law to user behaviour on the Internet, one can assert that 20% of the users are accountable for 80% of the flow of information and activity, while the remaining 80%, which are most Internet users(no need for this), are responsible for 20% of information and activity.
Fascinating facts of Internet in 2018:-
Number of email users worldwide
3.8 billion
Percentage of all email traffic that was spam
Number of active Gmail users globally
1.2 billion
Number of websites 
1.8 billion
Websites served by open source software
1.75 billion
Number of Internet users worldwide
4.1 billion 
Super fascinating facts of social media in 2018:-
Number of monthly active users 
2.3 billion
321 million
250 million
1 billion
Average age of  users
34 years
33 years
42 years
35 years

Most of the current social networking media network is quantitative  that hold immense potential for data collection. To make social networking media an educational tool we have to make it qualitative for which proper mining is required. Mining should be done effectively and refined data should be made secure for creating proper socio-academic environment. Classroom integration with learning communities will increase overall social integration. Many research findings tells that without these kind of integrations student can be knowledgeable by not expressive. Conventional teaching and learning pedagogies need some refinement that is possible with this kind of socio-educational tool. 
     Social media can enable a voice, a personality. Now social media is a great catalyst for education. Just one click and you got what you want to learn. It’s that simple. you click. you engage. you learn. Peer-to-peer knowledge sharing was never been so simple. Timing constraint has been removed you can Learn in your off hours. Teacher student interaction is now without hesitation. Questions are more honest from behind a screen although this is not the same for everyone. Ease of displaying the content allow to the design visual and auditory learning environments. We can Archive course content.
Faculty having knowledge of existing social networking media can be trained for practical utilization of them in the classes they teach. According to a Pearson survey  90% of faculty uses top ten social networking media sites for their personal and professional uses. Older faculty do not like new development they preferably use these media for personal use than professional. Faculty having greater experience, 30% of them visited three or more sites and approximately 40% of them have posted content every month, Whereas Faculty having less than 5 years experience, 80% of them visited three or more sites and approximately 70% of them have posted content every month. There are two types of faculty who teach online and who do not teach online but the levels of awareness of the social media sites is similar.
52.33% of higher education is somehow in influence of Social Networking Media. Teachers need to involve student in different activities by the help of social media. Teacher should train student about the security and privacy controls of different social media. Customized secure utilization is required to improve the quality of education. Training is required to assist account holders for using these social networking media effectively. Social networking media monitoring is required because there is still greater scope of its miss utilization. Use of media can be monitored at college level, student community level, and individual level. All the activities of students should be recorded and analyzed at regular time interval. This analysis can give a pattern of usage of media of particular student or group. Then identified student can be encouraged to change their utilization of social media.


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