The ERA Of A New Constant

There is a famous quote “The Only Constant Is Change”. We are living in an ERA which will be remembered for the revolution it brings in our life. It is easy to enjoy the new offerings in the market, which to a great extent is dominated by our Digital way of life. A lot of thinking, re-thinking, re-doing and re-inventions are occurring in the world today. Today, one must realize and remember how the old songs are presented in a new way (retro). While we enjoy it in our personal life, the professional life changes are not easy to adopt and adept. But the truth is out there and very harsh as well. Businesses in different sectors face this truth in one way or another. In short, LifeV2.0 has arrived. Like amazon prime has planned a same day delivery for a customer in US, it’s a tough call for offline Kirana stores. People are leaving their plush jobs in New York to start the Dairy business in the new Metros of India. There is the shining India or a new Zen-Y which is ready to take a shot at a very young age and didn't want to wait for the retirement fund to fulfill his/her ambitions.
Some years back, a fresh graduate from IIT Bombay who flourished even hadn’t completed his B.Tech and was a millionaire by age of 24. After some turbulence in the Company, he shared most of his earnings with fellow employees and said it's too early to think about monetary gains in this young age. There is a long list of such stories which defines the new India.In the professional field it is not a smooth ride as to get equipped with the new processes, tools and methodologies. People keep their toes on the edge and it's tough pace to keep up with. The jobs are changing its face as well as pace and to keep-up with the pace is not an easy race. People are forced to change the skills or move-on. This modal idea is to invest time and money and be equipped with the latest information/ technology to be at an advance stage of your role or profile.
It is also a proven fact that due to the advancement in the technology, more jobs are getting lost then created. But it's also true the new jobs are created and old jobs are getting destroyed. The best way is to spend a good time to analyze and adopt the new. Do engage with the people, discuss and explore the way you like to learn. Gather the information which is necessary and be ready to be a part of change. Need to learn, un-learn and re-learn or as it is said “Do the New”.


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