In my previous blog, power of thought part-I, I have mentioned the power of thoughts. In the continuation to that, I would like to mention that it is the thoughts by which you can get what you desire by just firmly thinking your desire, however there is a process of get the desired results. This is not a new way, our ancient Gurus practicing this technique for living long life, making fast for many days, they can remain standing many ways on one foot (This is also called Hat Yoga). However I am not saying to do this. I am only emphasizing with the help of the proper implementation of the thought techniques one can achieve not only materialized thing but also get spiritual peace. It is very unfortunate that we are not utilizing the real treasure provided by our ancestors.
Friends now I am trying to describing the steps to achieve your desired results. First we will have to focus on our thoughts. Never ever get entered any negative thought in your mind. If you find this is a negative thought immediately get out get that thought from your mind. Take a diary or small notebook whatever you have. On the left page of the diary you write whatever you want to get, just note it down point wise, on the right hand side of the diary page say thanks to God whatever provided by almighty whether Mother, Father, Brother, Sister, Son, Daughter, Spouse, Good health, house, wealth and many more which I think you understood.
In the night when you are going to sleep just pick up your diary and write whatever you wish to achieve or want to get in your life. It is said when we are going to sleep our subconscious mind get activated, so if we are writing what we want to achieve through this process it is slowly get entered in our sub conscious mind. In the morning when you just wake up take your diary and read it. Rather think that the wishes you noted down in the diary they are actually happening, so that it is well taken by our subconscious mind. In the morning, after performing your daily activities practicing at least 10 minutes to tour thoughts which you have written in your diary. By just closing your eyes and imagine that you have achieved what you have written and enjoying the things.
Third important point to remember that have a firm believes that it will work. Do not have doubts in practicing this activity to 21 days and you will find amazing results.
This is the power of Nature that it can provide you whatever you are demanding from it. Nature has no problem to give you ten thousand rupees or ten lacs. It is our thoughts that we believe that we cannot get this much of amount, however this is as simple to nature to provide you if you are demanding through proper way. If we focus on our thoughts and have firm believed that it will happen certainly the things will happen in reality, if we practicing the techniques depicted above we can achieve what we are desired. There is no doubt about in it.
Sooner you will be able to see your thought and can judge, oh! It’s a negative thought. So you won’t allow that to enter and it will be happened effortlessly by only practicing and monitor the thought process. Try the technique and see the result.
I am thankful to my Guru Sakshi Ram Kripal ji who has enlightened me on this topic and JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus Greater Noida to provide me an opportunity to write the blog.


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