One looks back with appreciation to the brilliant teachers, but with gratitude to those who touched our human feelings. The curriculum is so much necessary raw material, but warmth is the vital element for the growing plant and for the soul of the child.” ~ Carl Jung
The pattern and culture of teaching and learning process has been changing The teacher today is not confined to the classroom but is the catalyst of change in this ever changing world. To prepare the students for the world of today and tomorrow, the role of the teacher has to meet the needs of current culture. Since the teacher is the single most important factor in student success,”The changes that took place in modern society& in institutions have changed the roles of teachers, too. In the past teachers used to be the major source of knowledge, the leader and educator of their students' school life. Nowadays, teachers provide information and show their students how to tackle them. Although they are still considered to be a kind of leader in the class, they can be thought of as facilitators in the learning process. If we focus on the teaching process, we still realize that there are a great number of changes in this field as well, and all of them have an influence on the role of teachers.
 A good teacher can be defined as a teacher who helps the student to learn. He or she contributes to this in a number of ways. The teacher’s role goes well beyond information giving, with the teacher having a range of key roles to play in the education process. What one sees as good teaching, suggests Biggs (1999), depends on what conception of teaching one has. Two concepts are based on the strategies of teacher-centred and student-centred education (Harden et al 1984). Teacher-centred strategies are focused on the teacher as a transmitter of information, with information passing from the expert teacher to the novice learner. Student-centred strategies, in contrast, see the focus as being on changes in students’ learning and on what students do to achieve this rather than on what the teacher does. “If students are to learn desired outcomes in teachers have to be prepared for, although the present generation of teachers has been growing into making up syllabi for years. Another difference between the past and present tasks of teachers is represented by the technical background they need to be able to use and handle effectively (computer, photocopier, power point, projectors, etc.) Instead of teaching chalk face, they need to be an information technology expert, a technician or/and a photocopy master. One of the biggest challenges for teachers is that their role in the school management has also changed. The institution needs them as individuals, who can make decisions and cope with the stress of the changing world of education.. At the same time teachers need to be able to work in teams, co-operate with colleagues and parents. A teacher has to generate that energy in oneself and handle it in one's work of educating children. A teacher has not only to instruct but also to inspire the students. This new role of teacher is the need of modern society.
No matter how advanced or smart a computer program or a product is, it can never come close to the knowledge and life experience a teacher brings. Several researches have been conducted and it has been proven time and again that teachers bring about a change which no technology can. A teacher simply does not impart knowledge or information. And teaching is definitely not about facts and figures. A teacher leads, guides, facilitates and mentors a student. They are role models who set an example to students and drive them towards a brighter future. A good teacher encourages independent thoughts and independent learning. He/she can be a positive influence, can be an inspiration to set and achieve goals. The trust and bond between a teacher and student creates the perfect learning environment; which can never be achieved through virtual learning

Dr Richa Srivastava
Assistant Professor
Law Department


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