Managing Stress: Need of the hour


We all want to live a healthy and peaceful life with our family and friends.  None in this world want to face the hassle or trouble in their life but still there are many unavoidable situations where we can’t avoid these difficulties in life.  Facing these difficulties doesn’t mean at all these problems are there in one’s individual life only.  Every individual is facing some or the other stress or problem in their personal or professional life. 

The dictionary meaning of stress is worry or pressure which is caused due to over-thinking about any problem. I am considering the over-thinking here because there is no problem while facing any hassle or trouble but the problem is in the mind if you are thinking about that particular situation all the time.  Stress is a feeling of emotional imbalance into the mind of any individual. 

To avoid the situation of stress, the individual should be emotionally strong.  In case, you find yourself emotionally weak, and you don’t want to portray it to others then, it will be problematic situation for you. 

There are numerous ways to face the situation of stress.  Of which some of the tips are follows:

·         Avoid (learn how to say no),

·         Express your feeling to any other who is very near/dear to you.

·         Alter (try to find out the ways to exit from the situation in case you are not able to avoid the situation),

·         Adapt (try to find out the opportunities in your problems and look at the bigger picture) and try to recall the essence of Geeta (Hindu scripture) that whatever happened in the past was good with the will of God only and what is happening is good and whatever will happen in future will also be good with the will of God only.  In brief, have faith, in your supreme deity (i.e. bhagwan, allah, rab/waheguru, jesus etc.)

·         Accept (Sometimes you can’t change the situation, then the only situation is to accept the situation as it is for the better future)

·         Improve your physical activity and indulge yourself into many social activities rather than restricting yourself from your social circle. In short, interact with more and more people.

·         Get busy into more and more work.

To face the situation of stress, it is very important to discuss your problem either with your family member/s or with any close friend/ relative.  If you are not able to discuss your problem with any other person then there is no harm to consult any psychiatrist. 

Many of the people don’t like to consult a psychiatrist as they believe that people with mental illness or insane people shall only consult a psychiatrist.  There should be a change in the mentality about a psychiatrist in the society too.  The institutions could also hire the psychiatrist so that the employees could discuss their mental state with these people and get the counseling done.  The educational institutions could also appoint the psychiatrist as now- a-days, stress is also common amongst teenagers/ youngsters as the family system has been changed from joint to nuclear family which is causing more and more cases of suicidal activities in our Indian society.

Dr. Shishma Kushwaha


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