Cyber security

Cyber security, the term itself is self-descriptive cyber means the systems that are connected to the internet and security means the things that are done to protect anything from attack, danger etc. So collectively cyber security means to protect the systems or any device that are connected to the internet from the external threats like cyber-attack, phishing, malware etc.

        Cyber security is a wide term referring to the measures taken by the government and private organizations aimed to protect the data, protection can mainly be bifurcated into three types i.e., hardware, software or an individual whose work is to avoid potential cyber attacks and to keep their organization safe from any data breach.

In this digital era, it is very important to secure our data from potential cyber threats. Although cyber attacks can never be stopped, we can only limit their efficacy by following some steps. Every smart phone user needs to understand the importance of selecting a strong password and should always use different passwords for different sites, a survey shows that 61% of the users reuse their password, if any attacker gets access to one password, then their multiple accounts could be compromised. Sometimes by simply using our common sense we can avoid cyber-attacks, we need to be aware of the website/application’s legitimacy we are giving our information to, one should always use VPN (Virtual proxy network) when using the public Wi-Fi , users should always keep their OS and applications updated .

  In India alone we have around 748 million smart phone users that means there is a very big population of our country using internet in all walks of their lives, and they may unknowingly expose highly sensitive personal information without even realizing the consequences of data misuse with the increasing amount of information being put in the internet the chances of occurrence of privacy compromise are also increasing.

A safe software or a application can only be created by software engineers only if they are given enough time to develop and do its testing but nowadays the clients want their work to be done as soon as possible so to ship the product in the specified timeline, firms and developers are forced to take shortcuts which in turn may result in security flaws. Human error is a major part of cyber security weakness as manual threat hunting can be very expensive and time taking which may result in many unnoticed attacks so to avoid human errors machine learning and artificial intelligence are emerging as a crucial tool to deal with the growing attacks and complexity of cyber security threats.

This increase in online shopping shows that the internet users are becoming more comfortable sharing their very sensitive information like financial information, such as debit card number and delivery address.

Social networking sites usage is also increasing very rapidly, this all shows that people nowadays are feeling more comfortable putting personal information about themselves online.

 JEMTEC is highly secure in respect of cyber security. JIMS provide the good security software for handling the personal data for their students and faculty members. And In BCA department, JEMTEC started various new subjects that is based on new technology like Cyber Security, Computer Network Security, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence. For more details you can visit the

JIMS Greater Noida , is one of the best GGSIPU college for BCA studies in UP as well as DELHI NCR region.

    Ms. Priyanka Joshi, Assistant Professor, BCA, JEMTEC








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