Educational Spirituality

 The term ‘Education’ refers to the discipline that is truly and purely concerned with the methods or methodology of teaching and learning in the formal schools or school-like environments, as opposed to various informal and non-formal means of socialization.

Whereas, Spirituality is the identification of a feeling/ belief/ sense that there is something in this material world greater and more important than oneself, something more to being human and serving our relations than sensory experience around us, and that the greater whole of which we are part is divine or cosmic in nature. It is essential to have an opening of the heart to have true spirituality.

We human beings are born with a god gift or natural inbound capacity for spirituality, which is an integral area of the development of the race. Spirituality initiates and builds a base for a young individual’s intellectual, emotional, moral, social, and physical development. There are some studies which have proven that it’s good to start early for our children at a younger age, then only it proves to be fruitful and when these young minds grow-up, they are in a position to scale new heights and be successful in every sphere of life.

If the education system and parenting are not able to help an individual in nurturing spirituality from a very young age, there may be higher chances of failures in life, these days hopelessness, anxiety, depression, even violence, and in extreme cases it may lead to suicide attempts even are prominent phenomenal issues. This might be applicable to all irrespective of any difference in their caste, creed, gender, origin, background, etc. When this important concept is being neglected, we are somewhere or other putting our children at risk and leaving them without the ways or sources to check the possibilities and adapt to the increasingly complex and challenging world they will inherit in the upcoming era.

Moral and spiritual development is not only for the benefit of the individual child, it helps society as a whole, it is critical for building a society of engaged citizens committed to the common good, it further helps in the reincarnation of some important concepts like democracy, equality, and sustainable development. Promoting spirituality in children before it takes a sleepy mode is of utmost importance if the nation is to generate a better quality of future leaders and citizens so its in dire need to make it active in all sectors and institutions. When Spirituality is merged with Education, it is in a way of planting the seeds of social change, upliftment and nurturing spiritually, and spreading awareness amongst citizens and leaders for the upcoming new generation.

Spirituality and religion are many a time considered to be interrelated, but they are actually not similar. The inbuilt capacity which leads to universal spiritual development can be developed both within and outside the systems constructed by human beings. The merger for Spirituality with Education recognizes that all spheres of life could easily support the spiritual, healthy, and moral growth of children and adolescents. Following it might be considered as a new advent but it needs to be inbuilt in our systems innately.

This all depends on the upbringing that is being given since childhood, parents need awake and keep themselves aware about the concepts then only, they will be able to inherit the same to their children. Rest further schooling, its curriculum, and quality of teachers become an important edge to grow this spirituality among students. Education is not only impacted by the schools and teachers, but a lot also depends on the environment that a child receives at home, according to certain reports, working parents are not able to give much time to instill such traits in their children, it’s all about being aware and investing some time for this. Self-realization is the next part that helps to develop empathy and be available for people when in need. So, as per such recent research, it's advisable to develop a holistic culture from early childhood.

When a child is spiritually strong, there are higher chances for him to be successful and would prove to be a valuable asset for society. Rest, society as a whole must come out of the myths and social evils which are still existing in the twenty-first century society and would lead to a better society to live in.


Dr. Rashi Gupta

Assistant Professor

Department of Management Studies

JIMS Engineering Management Technical Campus

(Best Engineering & Management College in Greater Noida)



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